Discover How Much You Really Know with These Tough General Knowledge Questions and Answers.

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General knowledge can be defined as a broad range of knowledge that is considered to be common among individuals within a certain society or culture. It is often considered to be an indication of a person’s education, intelligence, and the extent of their curiosity to explore the world around them. General knowledge questions range from simple and easy to difficult and complex, and they cover a wide variety of topics such as history, science, literature, music, art, and more. In this article, we have compiled a list of tough general knowledge questions and answers to test your limits and further your understanding of the world.

Question 1: What is the smallest mammal in the world?

Answer: The bumblebee bat, also known as Kitti’s hog-nosed bat, is considered to be the smallest mammal in the world. It weighs less than a penny and is found in Western Thailand and Southeast Burma.

Question 2: What is the name of the largest desert in the world?

Answer: The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world, covering over 3.6 million square miles in North Africa.

Question 3: Which country is considered to be the world’s largest producer of coffee?

Answer: Brazil is considered to be the world’s largest producer of coffee, producing approximately 30% of the world’s supply.

Question 4: Who painted the famous masterpiece ‘The Starry Night’?

Answer: Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh painted ‘The Starry Night’ in 1889. The painting is currently housed in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

Question 5: What is the highest mountain range in the world?

Answer: The Himalayas are the highest mountain range in the world, with the highest peak being Mount Everest, standing at 29,029 feet above sea level.

Question 6: What is the capital city of Afghanistan?

Answer: Kabul is the capital city of Afghanistan, located in the east-central part of the country.

Question 7: Who is the author of the classic novel ‘The Catcher in the Rye’?

Answer: American author J.D. Salinger is the author of ‘The Catcher in the Rye,’ which was first published in 1951.

Question 8: Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019?

Answer: Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 for his efforts to promote peace and stability in the Horn of Africa region.

Question 9: What is the name of the largest organ in the human body?

Answer: The skin is the largest organ in the human body, covering an average of 20 square feet and weighing approximately 6 pounds.

Question 10: Who directed the 1994 epic drama film ‘Schindler’s List’?

Answer: Acclaimed director Steven Spielberg directed ‘Schindler’s List,’ which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1994.

Question 11: Who discovered radio waves, which are used to transmit radio and television signals?

Answer: Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell is credited with discovering radio waves in the late 19th century, which paved the way for the development of modern telecommunications.

Question 12: Which river is considered to be the longest in the world?

Answer: The Nile River, which flows through 11 countries in Africa, is considered to be the longest river in the world, stretching over 4,135 miles in length.

Question 13: What does the acronym AIDS stand for?

Answer: AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which is a disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

Question 14: Who was the first person to walk on the moon?

Answer: American astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon on July 20, 1969, during the Apollo 11 mission.

Question 15: What is the name of the world’s largest coral reef system?

Answer: The Great Barrier Reef, located off the coast of Australia, is the world’s largest coral reef system, stretching over 1,400 miles in length.


General knowledge is an essential part of our everyday lives, and it is important to continue to expand our knowledge and understanding of the world around us. These tough general knowledge questions and answers are designed to challenge you and test your overall knowledge. Whether you answered all of the questions correctly or not, it is important to continue to learn and explore new areas of knowledge to further broaden your understanding and curiosity of the world.

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