Foodie POS | Food Delivery App | POS for restaurants

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Important Notice: Beware of scams and fraud – only purchase from Envato Marketplace or Codecanyon. Contact our official support team for assistance, not third parties.

Version 1.0 – 30 September 2022

Important Note: POS Manager add-on isn’t an independent system. This POS Manager add-on is available only for Foodie – Ubereats Clone.

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Android APKs: POS App     

iOS TestFlight: POS App     

Other Links:


Admin Web-Panel Credentials:

Admin :
Admin Credentials: /12345678

Restaurant Web-Panel Credentials:

Restaurant :
Admin Credentials: /123456
Note : You also can register by yourself as a restaurant and check the demo too.

The POS (Point-of-Sale) is being developed for Web, iOS and Android. The POS (Point-of-sale) we furnished is entirely web-based and app-based for those restaurant owners who wish to serve high-quality food to their customers to the destination they wish to deliver. An agile, user-friendly, and fully automated system that focuses on rapid service and efficiently optimizes the delivery management system. It accepts orders placed in person, online, over the phone also from tablet/iPad and amalgamates it all into one single place where the restaurant owners can access the orders without any hassle.

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 Version 1.0 - 30 September 2022
- Initial Release
- Compatible with flutter 3.0.5


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