Have Archaeologists Found Evidence Of A Universal Ancient Civilization That Gave Birth To All Other Cultures Across The World? – Ancient Pages

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Ellen Lloyd –  AncientPages.com – Despite our diverse cultural, traditional, religious, and linguistic backgrounds, there is an underlying unity among humans. This is unsurprising since we all belong to the same human race. When we delve into our ancient history, we uncover remarkable parallels between cultures that were geographically distant from each other.

These ancient societies, seemingly unconnected, constructed similar architectural structures, used common symbols, and practiced comparable religious rituals in their daily lives. Such evidence suggests that prehistoric civilizations might have shared a universal body of scientific and technological knowledge.

This raises intriguing questions: Are these global ancient similarities the result of a collective consciousness or perhaps remnants of an overarching ancient civilization that influenced all subsequent cultures? Could there have been a primordial civilization that served as the progenitor for all ancestral societies? As archaeologists continue their explorations, they seek evidence supporting the existence of such a universal civilization whose legacy may now be just a faint echo in our historical memory. What archaeological discoveries lend credence to this theory, and what arguments challenge it?

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