The Curse Fell On King Midas And His Gold Desire Became A Nightmare – Ancient Pages

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A. Sutherland  – – Midas was the king of Pessinus, a city in the ancient region of Phrygia. In Greek mythology, he is renowned for his unique ability to transform anything he touched into gold, a power that has become synonymous with wealth and prosperity.

He had large estates and a grand, marvelous palace with a beautiful rose garden. In this garden, Dionysus, the god of wine, found Silenus, his good friend, teacher, and foster father, drunk. Silenus was the oldest satyr known as the god of the forest, drunkenness, and winemaking in Greek mythology.

Dionysus carried his friend to Midas’ palace, where the king received him well. At first, Silenus was expected to stay only for a few hours, but he remained in the palace for a whole week, entertaining Midas and his friends with songs and stories.

Grateful for Midas’ hospitality and helpfulness, Dionysus wanted to fulfill one of the wishes the king could think of. Midas wished everything he touched would turn gold because what he loved best in the world was gold. He had plenty of his own, but he could not accept the thought of anyone else having any. So, he got his greatest desire fulfilled. At the time, he did not understand that it was not a gift or blessing but a curse.

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