Cemrox POS AC – Comprehensive Point of Sale

HealthyLine Products For Natural Gemstone Therapy!


Latest Version 2022/10/07 – October 7, 2022 – view changelog, or visit our website.

Cemrox POS AC is a comprehensive  Point of Sale solution based on MS Access for fast deploy, ease of use and quick support! It is designed with high quality to meet the needs of the seller user experience (UX). The project files size (1.5 GB) after purchased from CodeCanyon/Envato.

Please before purchase this project. Download a full demo version setup (Windows Installer) from website  https://cemrox.com To make sure you are satisfied first.

The project consist of Sales, Purchase, Inventory modules and a Core manufacture library that used to create these Business modules.

Lets Examine it!

Inventory Management Client


Point of Sale Client (Separated from Inventory Management – Touch friendly)


Multiple Data-Entry Screens at same time!


Sales Invoice (Data-Entry CRUD Screens)


Clients and Vendors (Data-Entry CRUD Screens)


Items and Categories (Data-Entry CRUD Screens)


30+ Receipt Reports (Daily Sales, Daily Purchase, Items Sales, Items Purchases, Damaged Stock, Items Expirations, etc)


Sales Reports (Multiple Patterns)


Inventory Settings (Customize your user experience!)


Screen Designer, Grid Designer and Report Designer!


Tons of Styles


Cash Drawer


Barcode Designer and Barcode Scale





Project are structured pretty well!

This project are built based upon separation of concern. You will got Business library separated from Core library.



How to build the project

  1. To build the project you need first to install Redistributions from Redist folder, you must install DevExpress® components. installing Access Database Engine and .NET Framework 4.8, Visual Studio 2022.
  2.  You must have a valid WinForms DevExpress® subscription. So, you can use latest components available.
  3. To make sure all the projects are built, please re-build whole solution and make sure there’s no errors appeared in the Visual Studio Intellisense.

A complete project with 1.5 GB folder

  1. You will got full source-code.
  2. A full setup to install Cemrox POS AC directly into your machine or your customers.
  3. You can change the company name with your own brand/company name easily via App.cs file.
  4. You have a Simple Licensing Generator. to generate license keys for your customers.



Setup (Windows Installer), Developer Guide and Features (PDF) are available on website: https://cemrox.com

Used Tools

Visual Studio 2022 – C# WinForms – DevExpress – MS Access Engine – ADO.NET

Can’t run the source code? Please contact us




* Added: Begin removing Arabic from some data-entry screens and begin restructuring the project in native English only at that time, with RTL and localizations added later. 
* Added: Redesign the Sales Invoice screen by including controls within LayoutControl to make it touch-friendly and to support Screen Design. so end-users can customise its layout. 
* Added: Redesign CRUDControl Icons (the CRUD operations toolbox above the data-entry screens), allowing for 16x16 high-quality CRUD button icons. 
* Added: Make CRUDControl buttons' language in Invariant native English only. 
* Added: Sales and return invoices are now merged into the SalesProvider.cs class with a SalesType flag, so SalesReturnProvider.cs is deleted. to make maintainance easily.
* Added: Purchase and return are now merged into PurchaseProvider.cs class with a PurchaseType flag. So PurchaseReturnProvider.cs is deleted. to make maintainance easily.
* Added: Restructure the code within the CRUDControl. Only use Invariant Native English text in message boxes. Add Browsable (false) and DefaultValue (default) attributes to internal properties to hide them from the WinForms designer. 
* Added: Native English support and Remove Arabic langauge from uiMainSales.
* Added: Native English support and Remove Arabic langauge from uiMainInventory.
* Added: Native English support and remove Arabic language from Items, Categories, Clients, Vendors, Sales Person, Receiver data-entry screens.
* Added: Native English support and Remove Arabic langauge from Dashboard.
* Added: Native English support and Remove Arabic langauge from Cash Drawer.
* Added: Native English support and Remove Arabic langauge from Login Screen.
* Added: Native English support and Remove Arabic langauge from Main Launcher Screen.
* Added: Native English support and Remove Arabic langauge from Barcode Design Screen.
* Added: Native English support and Remove Arabic langauge from Barcode Scale Screen.
* Added: Support new material metal color for Ribbon status bar of uiMainInventory.
* Fixed: An exception was thrown when using the restaurant's Custom Printer for Categories feature. 
* Fixed: An exception is thrown when the client's database files are deleted while the configuration files are still present. 


* First Release.



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